Why "Stage" Combat?
For many years the art of Stage Combat has provided an experience to millions of theater-goers all over the nation unlike any other. They have been able to witness acts of violence perpetrated on characters they have come to understand, love, or hate. This act, regardless of intensity, should be repeatable for every performance from the first rehearsal though closing night.
VSCS follows this guideline for every show and brings a seamless transition from action to combat back into action for your scenes. There should never be a situation of injury for a play. Ever. Even a simple slap or fall can cause extraordinary injury. VSCS would encourage no one to "just hit them."
And besides, think how mad your costume designer would be if Hamlet bled on his costume.
If you have need for theatrical violence on stage or film in Central Virginia, please don't hesitate to contact us. There is a way to do precisely what you want, without exposing your actors to danger, and yourself to that liability.
For more information, email us: info@vastagecombat.com